
IR 4.2 Week 3 Vocab

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  • The student didn't have any body paragraphs, which is a ___ part of writing essays.
    core (n)
  • The baseball went through the __ window very easily.
    gauzy (adj)
  • The teacher showed his ____ when the student would not stop talking during class.
    wrath (n)
  • The student made a good ____ at taking the vocab test, but failed.
    attempt (v)
  • There are a ___ group of fruits on that farm.
    diverse (adj)
  • Both people on bicycles were not paying attention so a ____ occurred.
    collision (n)
  • It is very hard to ___ whether the chicken or egg came first.
    fathom (v)
  • The class went on an ____ to catch the biggest fish in the Han River.
    expedition (n)
  • The car stopped working after it sat ___ for 10 years.
    idle (adj)
  • The car had to ___ to the person running across the street.
    yield (v)