
K-2 Parent Drop Off & Pick-Up

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  • True or False Mrs. Batts, Mrs. Winn, Mrs. Breivogel, & Mrs. Hopp will be wearing orange and white vests at parent pick-up.
  • Which line walks along the sidewalk closest to the Building?
  • Is it ok to run?
    It depends on the situation! If you are late, you need to move quickly!!
  • Is it ok to be on a laptop, ipad, or phone while you are waiting for your name to be called?
  • Is it ok to be doing homework, while you are waiting for your name to be called?
  • Many students are noisy and don't hear their name called for parent pick-up. Why is this a problem?
    There are many, many people waiting in line!
  • Why does every car need an orange tag at parent pick-up?
    So, Mr. Edwards can call the names quickly.
  • Are students allowed to get out of their car on either side? Is it ok to be standing in between cars?
    You always need to get out of the car on the side nearest the sidewalk.
  • Who should open your car door and buckle you up?
    You should do this on your own.
  • What does this picture have to do with parent pick-up or drop off?
    Keep your stuff in your backpack! It could blow out into the street. Never chase anything into the street.
  • Even though we are told to be at a level 0 while listening for our names to be called, is it ok if I whisper to the people around me.
  • These girls are waiting for their name to be called for parent pick-up. What are they doing wrong?
    You shouldn't have your backpack open. You need to be ready to go when your name is called.
  • Everyone will go out Door 1 for parent pick-up. Where is Door 1?
    Door 1 is near the office!
  • What happens when you move like a snail at parent pick-up?
    You hold up everyone else and everyone is very tired of waiting.
  • True or False I need to pay attention to know if I'm in the blue line or orange line at parent pick-up.
    True, because you cannot cross through the middle to get to the other side. You would have to go to the crosswalk, which is going to hold everyone up.