
Tanabata & Kodomo-no-hi Review

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  • The Tanabata festival began how many years ago?
  • What does the black carp represent?
    The dad
  • Why did the Sky King forbid Hikoboshi and Orihime to meet?
    They didn't do their jobs.
  • What formed a bridge for Orihime and Hikoboshi to meet?
  • What does the red or pink carp represent?
    The mom
  • What is Kodomo-no-hi also known as?
    Children's Day
  • What is the name of the Japanese festival that takes place on the 7th day of the 7th month.
  • Tanabata is also known as _________- because of the characters in the folk tale.
    Star Festival
  • Who was the daughter of the Sky King in the story of Tanabata?
  • What is Koinobori (こいのぼり)?
    A carp-shaped windsock
  • What is kashiwa-mochi (かしわもち)?
    It is a rice cake stuffed with bean paste and wrapped in oak leaves, to symbolize strength.
  • What does the blue carp represent?
    The child, traditionally the son.
  • Why do people place irises in their homes for Kodomo No Hi?
    To ward off evil spirits
  • The origins of Kodomo No Hi originally date back nearly ______ years.
  • Who was the cowherd that Orihime loved?
  • What is a tradition of Tanabata?
    To write wishes on tanzaku (pieces of paper) and attach to bamboo
  • What does the green carp represent?
    The younger sibling.
  • What is the name of the bath filled with floating iris leaves?
    syobuyu (しょぶゆ)
  • What are Chimaki (ちまき)?
    They are sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves,
  • When is Kokomo-ni-hi celebrated?
    May 5th