
Sound/Seismic Waves

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  • Are body waves faster or slower than p-waves?
  • What happens after plates move?
    cause rock in Earth's crust to vibrate
  • Love waves cause rock to move right to left or left to right?
    left to right
  • What is the s in s-waves stand for?
    shear waves
  • What can't Mechanical waves travel through?
    vacuum and empty space
  • True or false: Mechanical waves can't travel through solids, liquids, or gases.
  • Longituditinal waves cause ________ to compress and expand in the direction the wave is moving.
  • Earthquakes can feel what waves traveling through Earth's crest?
    Seismic waves
  • What happens after a guitar string is pushing and pulling on the air molecules around it
    It causes air molecules to vibrate.
  • Seismic waves can be separated into ________ and _________ waves.
    body and surface
  • Seismic waves travel within the Earth due to what?
    rocks breaking apart or an explosion on the surface
  • Mechanical waves can only travel through what?
  • Where do the most intense earthquakes happen?
    Along the fault lines
  • What can surface waves only travel through?
    Earth's crest (surface)
  • Do surface waves travel through the Earth's interior or exterior?
  • For a solid the molecules are _______ together so they travel more ________
    closer and quickly
  • What are sound waves caused by?
    Vibration in a medium