
IR 5.2 Week 1/2 VC: Christo&Jean-Claude/Rita Mor ...

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  • The pokemon factory _____(s) tons of pokeballs for everyone to use.
    manufacture (v): manufacted, manufacturing, manufacts 
  • The pokemon had a lot of ___ to battles so it was prepared for anything.
    exposure (n)
  • The ____ student presented many new ideas in their speech about why pokemon homes should be protected.
    ingenious (adj)
  • He believed that his ____ was to be the best pokemon trainer in the world.
    identity (n): identities
  • The arena board members were wrongfully ___ against trainers that were under 16.
    discriminatory (adj)
  • It was a pokemon trainer's ____ when he thought fire pokemon were stronger than water pokemon.
    opinion (n): opinions
  • The pokemon professor was ___ of legendary pokemon really existing.
    skeptical (adj)
  • I was _____ to choose a fire pokemon to fight the water pokemon.
    stereotypical (adj)
  • It was an ___ dream to catch all of the pokemon in the world
    ambitious (adj)
  • There is a ____ about what pokemon is the strongest of them all.
    controversy (n): controversies
  • From region to region, the trainer ___(ed) across the world to catch all the pokemon.
    traverse (v): traversed, traversing, traverses
  • The pokemon trainer showed a lot of ____ when he battled his enemy again after losing 5 times.
    persistence (n)
  • The statue of Arceus was ___ (ing) the plaza for everyone to see!
    grace (v): graced, gracing, graces
  • He battled a trainer that was much stronger than him, which showed he was a very ___ person.
    willful (adj)
  • The trainer was so happy she got a ___signature from a famous pokemon master.
    authentic (adj)
  • The professor made sure to ____ examples of safe ways to catch pokemon during his class time.
    incorporate (v): incorporated, incorporating, incorporates