
SOTW3 Bonaparte

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  • When Napoleon needed money, he sold the ___________ to the United States for fifteen million dollars
    Louisiana Territory
  • After the French Revolution, French leaders were put into two houses called the Council of ______________ and the Council of _________________.
    . Ancients, Five Hundred
  • Who chose Napoleon to lead an attack on Austria? a. the five-man committee that ruled France b. the two houses of French leaders c. the French people d. no one, Napoleon acted on his own
  • When Napoleon returned to Paris, he replaced the five-man committee that had ruled France with three . a. consuls b. directors c. dictators d. admirals
  • Who was the commander of the British fleet when Napoleon tried to invade Great Britain
    Admiral Horatio Nelson
  • How did Napoleon inspire his tired troops to attack Italy? a. He promised to double their salaries. b. He said they would find honor, glory, and wealth in towns they conquered. c. He told them they can have free land in the conquered towns
  • . An oligarchy is a country where . a. all of the citizens are allowed to vote b. one person rules the rest of the citizens c. only some of the citizens have power to rule d. the religious leaders have the power to rule
  • What country did Napoleon invade next after his victory over the Austrians? a. Prussia b. Egypt c. Spain d. Great Britain
  • Under his command, England defeated the French at the Battle of .
  • These two houses named a five-man committee called ________________ the to rule France.
  • What did Napoleon announce to the Italians? a. He said he had come to set them free from their Austrian captors. b. He claimed their land for the people of France. c. He told them that God had sent him.