
'My Friend, The Super Computer' written by Olly  ...

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  • How does Tom get the owner to drink the water?
    Tom switches glasses
    Tom pours the water into the owners mouth
    He tricks the owner into drinking it
    They both drink some water
  • What does Tom think about Professor Bidwell?
    He's now working on a new Titan 2055
    He's dead
    He's working with the owner of EXCO
    He's not involved at all with the explosion
  • Tom leaves Bidwell alone because Bidwell......
    points a gun at him
    tries to poison him
    wants to help him
    can't help him
  • What does 'consciousness' mean?
    A name given to the first born son in the Antarctica
    A clever way to wear a hat
    Being aware of or knowing about something
    A way to eat Spanish food
  • What does 'surgically linked' mean?
    Having you right foot replaced with your left hand
    Have a tooth extracted and then put on your hand
    A name for a doctor who is active on Instagram
    Joined by a medical procedure
  • How does Tom know everything about the reporter?
    The data was downloaded to his brain
    Tom reads the man's file during lunch
    Tom knows the man from university
    Tom is married to his sister
  • Which of the following does Tom NOT feel?
  • What reason does Dr. Benoit give for wanting to be careful?
    They spent a lot of money on Titan
    She thinks her assistant wants her to slow down
    They spent a lot of money on Tom
    She is in love with Tom
  • Why does Tom have a change of heart about being a computer?
    He realizes he can't change what happened
    He wants to harm EXCO
    Titan 2055 was damaged and needs his help
    He is afraid of being a human again
  • What does Tom think might have happened at the hospital?
    A fire
    A big fight
    An accident
    A terrorist attack
  • What is a 'medical file'?
    The name of a hospital in the UK
    A new type of ambulance
    An instrument to keep your finger nails short
    A history or record of one's medical treatments or illness
  • Where did Titan 2055 get part of its name?
    From the current year
    From the year it was built
    From its colour
    From the name of a scientist's dog
  • Why does Tom speak to reporters?
    He wants to become famous
    He wants to meet the owner of EXCO
    He wants to sell his story for money
    He wants to tell the public the truth about the explosion
  • Tom finds Professor Bidwell because.........
    he got the information from Titan 2055
    Guam is a place Tom wanted to visit
    the professor chose a bad place to hide
    he followed where the professor was spending money
  • What is a coincidence?
    A type of coin from ancient Rome
    The name of the next Space Shuttle going into space
    When two things happen at the same time by chance
    A country to the north of Australia
  • Why does the owner want Tom to drink something?
    He wants to harm Tom
    He wants to sue Tom
    He thinks Tom is thirsty after surgery
    He knows Tom is tired and frustrated
  • What is 'long term memory'?
    A way to play chess
    A type of i-pad
    Information and knowledge that is held for a long time
    Something that is part of a finger nail
  • Why does Dr. Benoit suggest they stop after three hours?
    Too much information could make Tom sleepy
    Tom is tired and wants to stop
    Too much information could be dangerous for Tom
    The investor is bored and wants a break
  • Was Bidwell working for Zafar?
    Yes, but Bidwell did not help to blow up the hospital
    No, Bidwell actually works for a large supermarket
    Yes, they blew up the hospital together
  • What does Titan 2055 say about time travel?
    It is simple
    It has been done before
    It is impossible
    It is impossible with some new technologies