
Elements of a Play - AIC

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  • What is denouement?
    The final part of a story, where things are explained and resolved
  • Where do you usually find the playwright's name?
    Underneath the title
  • What does exposition do?
    Provides background information on characters and setting
  • What is dramatic irony?
    When the audience knows something that the characters don't
  • True or false: a linear story jumps back and forth through time
    False: a linear story progresses in a 'straight line'
  • Name an example of dramatic irony. Tell us what happened!
    Was that a well-explained example of dramatic irony?
  • In literature, what is a moral?
    The lesson you learn from a story
  • What is the climax of a play?
    The most intense, exciting point of the story
  • What is the function of stage directions?
    They tell actors/readers where to go and what to do
  • What impact does dramatic irony have on the reader?
    It creates tension
  • Why do writers use cliffhangers?
    To keep audiences on the edge of their seats
  • What is a cliffhanger?
    A chapter/episode/scene ending on a pivotal moment
  • Name an example of a cliffhanger. Tell us what happened!
    Was that a well-explained example of a cliffhanger?
  • What is a play's Act comprised of?
    Multiple scenes