
Hub 3 6.1 vocabulary

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  • producing or using original or unusual ideas
    CREATIVE (adj) sáng tạo
  • Taylor Swift has had several _________ hit albums.
  • wanting very much to win or be more successful
    COMPETITIVE (adj) có tính cạnh tranh
  • He was a popular leader because of his _________ and confident attitude.
  • behaving in an angry or violent way towards others
    AGGRESSIVE (adj) hung hăng
  • Doctors say the elderly should stay _______ to increase their lifespan.
  • very large in size, amount, or number
    MASSIVE (adj) siêu to khổng lồ :)
  • Messi is talented and shows his ___________ skills every time he plays.
  • something admired or respected because it is special, important, or very large
    IMPRESSIVE (adj) ấn tượng 
  • not costing a lot of money, cheap
    INEXPENSIVE (adj) 
  • to say firmly or demand forcefully, especially when others disagree with or oppose what you say
    insist (v) nhấn mạnh
  • strong, healthy, and good at sports
    athletic (adj) = có tính thể thao
  • a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed
    referee (n) trọng tài
  • able to make decisions quickly and confidently
    DECISIVE (adj) quyết đoán
  • I was interested in the job because of the _________ salary.
  • busy with a particular activity
    ACTIVE (adj) năng động
  • She ran away from the ________ dog.
  • very pleasing in appearance or sound; causing interest
    ATTRACTIVE (adj) mlem mlem
  • a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is
    trial session (n) học thử/ chơi thử
  • an area drawn out on the ground that is used for playing sports such as tennis and basketball
    court (n) sân (tennis, volleyball, basketball)
  • a detailed plan for achieving success
    strategy (n) chiến lược
  • successful or achieving the results you want
    EFFECTIVE (adj) có hiệu quả
  • A match between Vietnam and Thailand is always very ___________.