
How much? How many?

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  • How many rings is the Olympic symbol made up of?
    The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings
  • How many elements are in the periodic table?
    There are 118 elements
  • How many weeks are in a year?
    There are 52 weeks in a year
  • How many kidneys do we have?
    2 kidneys
  • How much blood does a person have?
    approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons (4.5 to 6.0 liters)
  • How much information is in the internet?
    In 2020, the amount of data on the internet hit 40 zetabytes. A zetabyte is about a trillion gigabytes.
  • How many languages are there in the world?
    There are more than 7,100 languages
  • How many stars are on the Chinese flag?
    There are 5 stars in the Chinese flag
  • How many people are in the world?
    There are 7.7 billion people in the world
  • How much water is on earth?
    There are more than 326 million trillion gallons of water on Earth.
  • How many minutes are in a full week?
    There are 10,080 minutes in a week
  • How many teeth do we have?
    Most adults have 32 teeth
  • How many hearts does an octopus have?
    Octopuses have 3 hearts