
Education B1-B2

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  • This course is really __________, it takes up a lot of my time and it's so hard.
  • I know you were sick, so I will make an ___________ and give you another week for your homework.
  • What do you get if you pass your first three or four years of university?
    a degree
  • Another word for clever or intelligent
  • A student from a different country can also be called?
    an overseas student
  • Mathematics is really ________ when you're studying accounting or engeneering.
  • If a teacher makes and keeps lots of rules, they are?
  • How do you describe an activity or course where you do things with your hands?
  • I want to be the best singer in the world, I'm very _________.
  • I lost a bit of __________ when I wasn't making any progress.
  • If someone is not focused, what do you say to them?
    Pay attention!
  • The document you give someone to show your experience and qualifications.
  • Finish this sentence: I might go to the cinema (not too tired)
    if I'm not too tired.
  • This university has really strict entry ____________. You must have a high grade.
  • What do you call a teacher who gives private lessons?
    a tutor
  • If you never get angry or annoyed with people, even if they are badly behaved, you are?
  • What is Cynthia's nick-name?
  • Finish the sentence: By the time I have finished my course, (meet/a lot of people)
    I will have met a lot of people.
  • My daughter is a _____ ________, she probably goes through one book per month.
    keen reader
  • Finish the sentence: If you study hard, (pass/your exam)
    you will pass your exam.
  • When your teacher tells you what you are doing well and what you need to improve, this is?
  • Finish the sentence: Your mum will be upset (not call her)
    if you don't call her.
  • What is the course you take to learn how to help people who are injured or very sick?
    first-aid training
  • If a teacher has everything ready before the lesson, they are?