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  • Mia had published five books, one of (which/that/them/whom) is very innovative.
  • The cat likes to take naps on the balcony (where/which) it can relax in the sun.
    where= on which
  • Jane's brother (, that/ , who/ that/ who) is traveling around the world, sent her a postcard.
    , who (逗號表唯一)
  • The actress (which/that/whose/X) picture I hang on my wall will star in the latest movie.
    whose (the actress's picture)
  • The accountant seemed to be able to find a solution to (whenever/wherever/whosever/whatever) problem the corporation runs into.
    whatever= no matter what
  • The cat likes to take naps on the balcony (where/which) is surrounded by lush plants.
  • Vol. 7 (I)
    A each代名詞 當團體登記參加會議時,請輸入每個要出現在識別證上的名字。
  • The notice (that/which/who/where/X) the supervisor sent out made the employees nervous about the status of the company. (choose ALL the correct answers))
    which/X/that (The supervisor sent "the notice" out)
  • (Which/ That/ What) is said on the phone call will be recorded thoroughly.
    What = The thing which ...的東西
  • 2020 is the year (where/when/why/how) the pandemic broke out.
    when = in which = in 2020
  • We can take the bus or drive, but (whenever/whichever/however) we get there, we have to get there quickly.
    however = no matter how
  • She started yelling (, which / which /, that / that) disturbed me from focusing on my work.
    , which 代表前面整件事
  • Start-ups are very popular, and that's the reason ( how/when/why/where) it is highly competitive among candidates.
    why = for the reason
  • Vol. 7 (I)
    A which 關代當主格用
  • Netflix is the first company (when/how/why/where) I worked for 2 years.
    where = at/in which = at/in the company
  • There were 200 attendees in the annual convention, and some of (that/which/whom/them) were founders of some international corporations.