
Break the Ice!

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  • Let’s compare the numbers using >, <, or =. Are you ready?
  • Make the largest three digit number using the given numbers only once. Write the number in your notebook and show the number.
  • Let's meet and greet each other! How old are you? Look around your room and tell me, how many chairs do you see? Which activity do you think would take you lesser time to do: cleaning your room or reading a book?
    Wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
  • You had 132 donuts and you shared 20 donuts with your best friend. How many donuts are you left with? Solve it in your notebook.
  • Solve the riddle! Who am I? I’m an even number. I have ‘9’ tens. I’m the next number in this pattern: 84, 88, 92,...
  • Lisa does not know how the number name of ‘352’ is written. Can you help her out and write the number name of ‘352’ in your notebook?
    Three hundred and fifty two.