
Xi Story 2022

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  • Roger Federer, the great tennis player who some call the greatest of all time, has won a record seventeen Grand Slam titles.
  • Natural consequences prepare children for adulthood by helping them think about the potential consequences of their choices.
  • In a competitive environment, such as a college admissions process or a job application situation, almost everyone has strong qualifications.
  • Rather than learning, “I should wear a jacket because it’s cold outside,” a child may conclude, “I have to wear a jacket because my mom makes me.”
  • But how valuable are facts alone?
  • In addition, some consumers may employ a simple decision rule that results in a safer choice.
  • You can do several things at once, but only if they are easy and undemanding.
  • Chances are good, however, that you remember stories, anecdotes, and examples from the event, even if you can’t think of their exact context.
  • They’d already demonstrated their mastery of the deceptive arts by hunting prey with artfully hidden traps or by tricking them into running off cliffs.
  • Primary care doctors who focus on diagnosing known diseases and giving familiar treatments will probably be replaced by AI doctors.
  • AI might help create new human jobs in another way.
  • Thus, perhaps the greatest tennis player ever failed more than two-thirds of the time.
  • Faced with the choice of walking down an empty or a lively street, most people would choose the street with life and activity.
  • Consumers also reduce uncertainty by buying the same brand that they did the last time, believing that the product should be at least as satisfactory as their last purchase.
  • As the only species that can actually talk, Homo sapiens is the only one that can lie out loud.
  • Consumers are generally uncomfortable with taking high risks.
  • As a result, they are usually motivated to use a lot of strategies to reduce risk.
  •  Simply accept that failure is part of the process and get on with it.
  • That’s where story comes in.
  • The often-used phrase “pay attention” is insightful: you dispose of a limited budget of attention that you can allocate to activities, and if you try to go beyond your budget, you will fail.
  • People gather where things are happening and seek the presence of other people.
  • Think back to the most recent lecture or presentation you attended.
  • As the human capacity to speak developed, so did our ability not only to trick prey and deceive predators but to lie to other humans.
  • Without an opportunity to experience real-world consequences, kids don’t always understand why their parents make certain rules.
  • Instead of humans competing with AI, they could focus on servicing and using AI.
  • Failure precedes success.
  • Overprotective parents spare kids from all natural consequences.
  • Instead of humans competing with AI, they could focus on servicing and using AI.
  • Verbal deceitfulness gave early humans such a survival advantage that some evolutionary biologists believe the capacity to speak and the ability to lie developed hand in had.
  • Consumers can collect additional information by conducting online research reading news articles, talking to friends or consulting an expert.
  • If you’re like most people, you can’t recall many, if any.
  • Studies from cities all over the world show the importance of life and activity as an urban attraction.
  • Almost everyone has facts in their favor.
  • Yet, he has competed in more than sixty Grand Slam events.
  • The walk will be more interesting and feel safer.
  • Studies of benches and chairs in city space show that the seats with the best view of city life are used far more frequently than those that do not offer a view of other people.
  • But precisely because of that, there will be much more money to pay human doctors and lab assistants to do groundbreaking research and develop new medicines or surgical procedures.
  • Events where we can watch people perform or play music attract many people to stay and watch.
  • The average person today is flooded with facts and data, and we let most of this pass through our brains with minimal retention or reaction – unless something makes the information stand out in a meaningful way.
  • For example, the replacement of human pilots by drones has eliminated some jobs but created many new opportunities in maintenance, remote control, data analysis, and cyber security.
  • This capacity gave early human beings a major evolutionary edge.
  • It is the mark of effortful activities that they interfere with each other, which is why it is difficult or impossible to conduct several at once.
  • While we don’t think of him as a failure, but rather as a champion, the plain fact is, he failed much more than he succeeded on this measure, and that’s generally the way things are for anyone.
  • Those who could persuade members of a rival tribe that a westward-moving heard of caribou had migrated east won a battle in the war for survival.
  • In the history of spots and in our ‘winning is everything’ culture, I’m not aware of anyone who ever won every game, or every event, or every championship they competed for.
  • This too could be advantageous.
  • You are probably safe carrying on a conversation with a passenger while driving on an empty highway, and many parents have discovered, perhaps with some guilt, that they can read a story to a child while thinking of something else.
  • For example, someone might buy the most expensive offering or choose a heavily advertised bran in the belief that this brand has higher quality than other brands.
  • You could not compute the product of 17 x 24 while making a left turn into dense traffic, and you certainly should not try.
  •  If you want to protect yourself from colds and flu, regular exercise may be the ultimate immunity-booster.
  • Unfortunately, their kids often lack a clear understanding of the reasons behind their parents’ rules.
  • They never learn how to bounce back from failure or how to recover from mistakes because their parents prevented them from making poor choices.
  • How many facts do you remember from it?
  • The loss of many traditional jobs in everything from art to healthcare will partly be offset by the creation of new human jobs.