
Are You Smarter Than A Nurse?

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  • True or False: Nonmaleficence is the duty to do no harm.
  • If a resident's hearing aid seems to not work, you should...?
    Check the battery to see if it is working
  • Most nutrients are absorbed in the ____ intestine.
  • True or False: Tachycardia is a heart rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute.
  • Why should bed linens be wrinkle free?
    To prevent decubitis (pressure) ulcers
  • Main part of the brain
  • What does PRN mean?
    As needed
  • The Nurse in the Star Trek T.V. Series.
    Nurse Christine Chapel
  • 11pm is what time in military time?
  • What are the five stages of the Nursing Process?
    Assessmnt, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Eval
  • The most important thing to do to prevent the spread of infection is to...?
    Wash your hands!
  • The name of the nurse in the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest?
    Nurse Ratched
  • Introduced sanitation practices in nursing
    Florence Nightengale
  • Action of breathing is called?
  • What does HIPPA protect?
    Confidentiality of Health Information