
Time Idioms

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  • Time flies when you are having fun.
    Time goes by quickly when your enjoying yourself
  • in the nick of time
    that you arrive or finish something just before it is too late. At the last possible moment
  • Time off
    to take a holiday from work.
  • a waste of time
    refers to anything that is not a useful way to spend your time
  • too much time on my hands
    too much free time and not enough things to do
  • as time goes by
    means as time passes or moves. The passing of time
  • Time off
    to take a holiday from work.
  • kill time
    to do something that is not very interesting or important to pass time
  • Time off
    to take a holiday from work
  • time for a change
    stop what you are doing and start doing something else with your life
  • a whale of a time
    it means to have a great time. To do something really fun
  • turn back the hands of time
    To go back into the past
  • a hard time
    to do something that is difficult or to suffer hardship
  • time is money
    time is money means that your time is a valuable commodity
  • time heals all wounds
    Time heals all wounds means that our feelings of hurt will leave us time passes by