
CAE SEntence Transformations 6

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  • It would help our situation if we didn´t have to pay so much. BETTER. We ..... we didn´t have to pay so much.
    ´d be better off if
  • It looks as if the thief entered the flat through the window. APPEARS. It ....... into the flat through the window.
    appears that the thief broke
  • The manager told us we had done an excellent job. CONGRATULATED. The manger ..... a great job
    congratulated us on doing.
  • I was really discouraged from going to the beach by the crowds. PUT. The large .... to the beach.
    crowds put me off going
  • You´ve never mentioned any reservations about the plan. TIME. At .... any reservations about the plan.
    no time did you mention
  • It was felt that the new computer room is both more modern and more comfortable than the old one. ONLY. Not .......more comfotable it´s also more comfortable than the last one.
    only is the new computer room
  • Both the models of car look about the same to me. DIFFERENCE. I really can...... the two cars.
    not tell/see the difference between.
  • I wish I hadn´t stayed out so late last night. SOONER. I ...... out so late last night.
    would /´d not have stayed
  • John didn´t understand how important the discovery was. FAILED. John ......of the discovery
    failed to ralise the importance
  • I was expecting the restuarant to be so much better than it was. LIKE. The restuarant was .... as I was expecting.
    nothing like as good
  • The newspaer has been considerably critised for it´s misleading article. COME. The newspaper has ......for it´s misleading article.
    come in for considerable critscism
  • The extremely cold weather has resulted in a lot of disruption to public transport. BEEN. The extremely cold weather ......... public transport
    has been very disruptive to