
Royal Family Native camp

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  • How much does St Edward's crown weigh?
    4 pounds 12 ounces / 2.15456 kg
  • What is Elizabeth's main head piece?
    Imperial State Crown
  • What's the official title of Prince Harry?
    Duke of Sussex
  • Does Jamie like The Royal family or is he against them?
    He does like them.
  • Which country was Elizabeth visiting when she found out her father had died?
  • Why did Edward VIII abdicate the throne?
    He wanted to marry an American divorcee Wallis Simpson
  • Which year was Queen Elizabeth II crowned queen?
  • How many times has Elizabeth II worn the coronation crown in her life?
    Only once.
  • What did Queen Elisabeth II pay with for her wedding dress?
    ration coupons
  • What's the name of the crown The Royal Family uses for coronations?
    St. Edward's crown
  • What's the title of every oldest son of English queen or king?
    Prince of Wales
  • What is a litttle known royal tradition concerning politics?
    One of the member of parliament needs give themselves up to Buckingham palace as collateral.
  • Whose coronation was the St. Edwards crown used for with permanently set stones?
    George V
  • Why did Elizabeth II become Queen?
    Because her uncle Edward VIII abdicated and her father became King George VI
  • What does Elizabeth use The Diamond Diadem for?
    images on coins and postage stamps
  • Why did the Queen Elizabeth II describe year !992 as her 'annus horribilis'?
    separation of Prince Charles amd Princess Diana, separation of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, fire in Wndsor castle
  • Why didn't The Queen attend Charles and Camilla's wedding?
    Because it was held in Town Hall and The Queen only attends church weddings
  • Which country was Prince Philip forced out of?
  • How many times did Princess Diana and Prince Charles meet before getting married?
  • Name the first three members of the royal family in the line of succession?
    1. Prince Charles 2. Prince William 3. Prince George of Cambridge