
The Story of Chocolate

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  • What is the definition of "gossip"?
    Casual conversation about someone/something that might not be true.
  • Who were the second people to start eating/drinking cocoa?
    The Aztecs.
  • How did the Spanish change the chocol haa recipe?
    They added sugar so it wasn't so bitter.
  • What was the first factory-made chocolate called?
    Delicious chocolate to eat.
  • What was the Aztec legend of chocolate?
    The farming god, Quetzalcoatl came and gave humans the first cocoa tree.
  • Name three chocolate companies we have today!
    Nestle, Ghana, Cadbury, Mars, etc.
  • What did the monkeys do with the cocoa pods?
    They ate the pulp and spat out the seeds.
  • What does M&M stand for?
    Mars & Murrie
  • Howard Cambell added nuts, marshmallows, and caramel to chocolate. What was his invention called?
    The Goo Goo Cluster.
  • Hernan Cortes sailed back to Spain with what two things?
    Aztec treasure and cocoa beans.
  • Who did Nestle help thicken milk to make milk chocolate?
    Daniel Peter.
  • Who were the first people to start eating/drinking cocoa?
    The Mayans.
  • How did chocolate become popular with everyone?
    Because factories that made chocolate spread all across Europe.
  • Chocolate is separated into two things in a press. What are they?
    Cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
  • Name at least three things the Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa/chocolate for.
    Wedding gifts, warrior's drink, emperor's drink, money, etc.
  • What was the Mayan name for their cocoa drink?
    They called it chocol haa.