
Reading Insight 1 ( Unit 13)

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  • vocabulary: a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something
  • What happened in 1972 ?
    Bobby became the world champion.
  • What is the main idea of the passage ?
    Bobby Fischer was an excellent chess master.
  • Who gives the title of Grandmaster ?
    The World Chess Federation gives the title.
  • vocabulary: to do something on a regular basis
  • vocabulary : to do something again and again in order to become better at it
  • How old was Bobby Fischer when he played his first game of chess ?
    He was six years old.
  • What record did Bobby break when he was 13 years old ?
    He became the youngest chess champion.
  • What city was Bobby born in ?
    He was born in Chicago.
  • vocabulary: a game or contest
  • What is one thing that shows Bobby was a star after winning ?
    1. There was a holiday named for him in New York 2. He appeared on TV.
  • vocabulary: definitely ; easy to see
  • vocabulary: a standard that must be followed
  • What city has a holiday named for Bobby Fischer ?
    In New York
  • What is a Grandmaster ?
    It is a title given by the World Chess Federation to the world's best players.
  • Who was Bobby Fischer's challenger during the world championship ?
    His challenger was Boris Spassky.
  • vocabulary: to have knowledge of
  • How many times did Bobby win the US Championship ?
    He won the US Championship eight times.
  • vocabulary: the winner of a big contest
  • vocabulary: a difficult task or problem, something that is hard to do