
Time for Tea Polly Wally

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  • What animal is it?
    It's a crocodile.
  • What insect is it?
    It's a beetle.
  • What are they?
    They're nuts.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a monkey.
  • What animal is it?
    It's an elephant.
  • What does the man say in the picture? Make a guess.
    Try some.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a spider.
  • What are they?
    They're fruit and vegetables.
  • What insect is it?
    It's a stick insect.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a worm.
  • What are they?
    They're leaves.
  • How does he feel?
    He's hungry.
  • What insect is it?
    It's a caterpillar.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a zebra.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a giraffe.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a bird.