
CAE key word transformations

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  • Thanks to the success of the treatment, Jake was cured of his illness. LED The success of the treatment _____ of his illness.
    led to Jake | being cured
  • Steve had expected his credit card bill to be much higher. NEAR Steve's credit card bill was nowhere _____ he had expected.
    near as | high as
  • They didn't fix the computer problem, even though they said they would. SUPPOSED They _____ the computer working again but they didn't.
    were supposed to | get / have got/gotten
  • Sam didn't feel like getting into an argument with his brother. MOOD Sam _____ into an argument with his brother.
    was in no mood | to get
  • You'll never make such an important investment in your life as this one. FAR This investment _____ that you'll ever make in your life.
    is by far | the most important
  • There's no way that my brother wrote this letter. POSSIBLY This letter _____ by my brother.
    can't/couldn't possibly | have been written
  • The specialist says I should have slightly less salt in my diet. AMOUNT According to the specialist, I should cut _____ salt I have in my diet.
    down back slightly | on the amount of
  • I know that it was wrong of me to upset Sam. SHOULD I know that I _____ Sam upset.
    should not | have made/got/gotten
  • It's likely that the ambulance is stuck in a traffic jam somewhere. PROBABLY The ambulance will _____ up in a traffic jam somewhere.
    probably be | held/caught
  • As she examined her accounts, Lucy became increasingly concerned. THROUGH The longer Lucy spent looking _____ she became.
    through her accounts, | the more concerned
  • Everything was fine before Emily arrived and then things started to go wrong. ONLY It _____ that thing started to go wrong.
    was only when/after | Emily arrived
  • I hate being shouted at by instructors in the middle of a session. WHEN I hate _____ in the middle of a session.
    it when instructors | shout at me
  • I'm sure that we are much happier when we work hard. HARDER There's no doubt in my mind that _____ we are.
    the harder we work, | the happier
  • I've been too busy to watch the movie you sent, but I'll do it soon. ROUND I _____ the movie you sent, but I'll do it soon.
    haven't got round | to watching
  • Sarah's card never arrived so it's possible she forgot to post it. NOT Sarah _____ the card, because it never arrived.
    may/might not have remembered | to post
  • He'll never be able to read the small print, I'm sure. IMAGINE I could _____ to read the small print.
    never imagine him | being able
  • "What made you accept the job?" PERSUADED What was _____ accept the job?
    it that persuaded | you to
  • Lara doesn't like it when people speak to her as though she were a young girl. BEING Lara resents _____ she were a young girl.
    being spoken to | as if/though
  • Mary regrets not having kept her appointment at the dentist's yesterday. TURNED Mary wishes she _____ at the dentist's yesterday.
    had turned up | for her appointment
  • Alice would only go to the gym for a workout if I accompanied her. INSISTED Alice _____ her to the gym when she went for a workout.
    insisted on | me/my accompanying // insisted that | I accompany
  • In my previous job, I couldn't save anywhere near as much as I do in my current job. DEAL In my current job I am able _____ than I did in my previous job.
    to save a | good/great deal more
  • "When we used to fight I never hurt him," said Amy. EVER Amy denied _____ when they used to fight.
    ever hurting / having hurt | him
  • "Certainly, no machine will last forever," said Theo. GUARANTEED Theo said that no machine could _____ forever.
    be guaranteed | to last
  • Designer clothes haven't sold quite as well this year as last year. SLIGHTLY This year's designer clothes _____ they did last year.
    have sold | slightly less well than
  • Attendance at the meeting wasn't compulsory, so she didn't bother to go. NEED She _____ the meeting, so she stayed at home.
    didn't need to | go to
  • Because of the snow we couldn't get to the gig. PREVENTED The _____ the gig.
    snow prevented us | (from) getting to
  • Keiran and I both had the same salaries last year. MUCH Keiran earned _____ last year.
    as much | as me / as I did // much the same | (salary) as me