
Thanksgiving StarterProgress

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  • When is Thanksgiving celebrated ?
    On the fourth Thursday of november
  • Did the first Thanksgiving include turkey ?
    No, studies show no proof .(There is noconclusive evidence )
  • How long was the first celebration of Thanksgiving ?
    The first one was 3 days long.
  • What did many pilgrims die from?
    They died from disease.(They got ill/sick)
  • Do people exchange presents on Thanksgiving day?
    No. They exchange loving messages and warm wishes.
  • What did they learn with the Native Americans ?
    How to grow corn,hunt and fish.
  • What's the name of the ship where pilgrims arrived at Plymouth?
  • Which American president made Thanksgiving an official holiday ?
    President Lincoln.
  • What do we call the people who set out from England on the Mayflower ship?
  • What is a popular outdoor event that is part of the modern Thanksgiving celebrations?
    The Thanksgiving Parade.