
Gerund vs. Infinitive

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  • Gia enjoys __________ (shop) at Twin Pines Mall.
  • We gave up __________ (try) to solve the difficult math problem and went on the next one.
  • The students decided __________ (ask) the teacher for more time to complete the assignment.
    to ask
  • My father considers art __________ (be) a waste of time.
    to be
  • Jana promised __________ (call) her parents tonight.
    to call
  • Kim wants __________ (buy) a new laptop.
    to buy
  • Tran needs __________ __________ (stop, spend) so much time on social media sites.
    to stop, spending
  • Juro and Kazoo decided __________ a pizza.
    to order
  • If you don't want __________ (be) late, you'd better hurry up!
    to be
  • My parents don't like __________ (eat) spicy food.
    to eat / eating