
There was / There were | Questions

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  • was there a cat on the table?
    No, there wasn´t a cat on the table.
  • Were there cars parked in front of her house?
    Yes, there wew cars parked in my house.
  • Was there ice in the juice?
    No, there wasn´t ice in the juice.
  • Was there a dog in the house?
    Yes, there was a dog in the house.
  • Was there anything you could do to help them?
    Yes, there were some things I could do to help them.
  • Was there a TV in your room?
    Yes, there was a TV in my room.
  • Were there pens on your desk?
    No, There weren´t pens on my desk.
  • Were there eggs in the fridge?
    Yes, there were eggs in the fridge.