
Passive Voice

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  • We _________________________ about the hurricane for the last few days. (WARN)
    have been warned
  • Olives _________________________ in Mediterranean countries. (GROW)
    are grown
  • My phone _________________________. I can't find it anywhere. (TAKE)
    has been taken
  • Progress in many fields of science _________________________ in the last decade. (MAKE)
    has been made
  • When we first met, I had _________________________ a job at the bank. (ALREADY OFFER)
    had already been offered
  • The building _________________________ torn down when we got there (BE).
    was being torn
  • Romeo and Juliet ___________________ by Shakespeare. (WRITE)
    was written 
  • The church _________________________ by a famous architect in the 18th century. (DESIGN)
    was designed
  • As soon as I got home, I realized that my wallet _________________________. (STEAL)
    had been stolen.
  • The tunnel _________________________ at the moment, so it's closed for all traffic. (REPAIR)
    is being repaired
  • Before the meeting was over all the food _________________________. (EAT)
    had been eaten
  • Since last week 5 of the 7 terrorists _________________________. (CATCH)
    have been caught