
Allies and Enemies World War I

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  • is it a system under which nations take over other countries, either by conquering them or by gaining control of their political and economic systems?
  • What was the effect of Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia?
    Russia orders its troops to mobilize along the German border
  • What was the cause of Germany declares war on France?
    Russia orders its troops to mobilize along the German border
  • Is it an association of nations that agree to cooperate to achieve a common goal?
  • What was the cause of Germany increases the size and strength of its navy?
    Britain increases the size and strength of its navy
  • What was the effect of Germany wanted to isolate France?
    The Triple Alliance
  • When was the Schlieffen Plan proposed?
    in 1905
  • what was the cause of Britain increases the size and strength of its navy?
    Britain has colonies all around the globe
  • is it the strong influence by military personnel and ideals on the government of a country?
  • a war fought between France and the German state of Prussia in 1870 and 1871, which Prussia won
    Franco-Prussian War
  • What was the effect of Germany invades Belgium?
    Great Britain enters the war
  • Is it identity and devotion to the country? the 19th century was the age of nationalism in Europe
  • What was the cause of the Dual Entente?
    France wanted to end its isolation
  • What was the effect of Pan-Slavic nationalism?
    Serbs want Bosnia to leave Austria-Hungary and unite with Serbia