
IELTS Speaking

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  • Fluency and Coherence looks at the candidate’s ability to:
    Answer the question without unnatural pausing or hesitating
    Develop their answers sufficiently
    Organise and structure answers appropriately
  • Fluency and cohesion is increased when:
    Uses a good structure and signposts so the listener doesn’t have to think
  • Fluency and cohesion is increased when:
    Speaks without effort as in a conversation with friend or colleague
  • To get a high score in the exam it is important to:
    Talk about the things which you know about
    Give the examiner what they want
    Talk as much as you can
  • Good candidates:
    Speak really fast
    Speak at a natural pace
    Speak really slowly and clearly
  • 2. Which of the following are the sections of the Official Marking Criteria?
    Fluency, coherence, vocabulary and grammar
    Fluency and coherence, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation
    Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar
  • Fluency and cohesion is increased when:
    Candidates speak at a natural speed, hesitating or pausing only occasionally to think about the topic
  • To score well in fluency and coherence candidates should NOT:
    Continually repeat answers or ideas, Thinks too much about the answer,Corrects all their mistakes, Pauses or hesitates to think about grammar and words