
Magic Tree House Twister On Tuesday Vocab Quiz C ...

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  • If a door 'slams', does it close quickly or very slowly?
    It closes quickly.
  • Is 'roaring' a loud sound or a quiet sound?
    It's a loud sound.
  • Is a bully a good friend or a mean person?
    It's a mean person.
  • If something is 'deafening' is it noisy or quiet?
    It's noisy.
  • Is a sack a kind of a backpack, or a big wide bag?
    It's a big, wide bag.
  • Is a grasshopper a kind or toy or a kind of insect?
    It's a kind of insect.
  • Is a funnel like a square or like an upsidedown triangle?
    It's like a triangle.
  • If something is 'greenish' is it slightly green or extremely green?
    It's slightly green.
  • If something is 'thumping' you, is it hitting you or tickling you?
    It's hitting you.
  • If something is 'awful', is it very bad or very good?
    It's very bad.
  • Are hailstones frozen rain, or stones?
    They are frozen rain.
  • Do mean people make good friends?
    No, they don't.
  • Is chalk something to write with, or something to eat?
    It's something to write with.
  • If something 'won't budge' will it move, or will it not move?
    It will move.
  • If you are 'showing off', do you want to hide or do you want other people to look at you?
    You want other people to look at you.
  • If something is 'overhead' is it on the floor or in the sky?
    It's in the sky.
  • Is that calf's skin lumpy or smooth?
    It's lumpy.