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  • Look at the map and give directions
  • You are at the cinema, You want to buy tickets. ask for the timetable, the room, the cost and the seats.
  • You're at the hairdresser's. Ask for an appointment and go have your hair cut: just the ends and a blow. Pay in cash
  • You want to go to the Forum Hotel at Plaza la Font. Taxi driver: Where to? (respond)
    The Forum Hotel at Plaza la Font, please.
  • You are at the chemists because you have got a cold. Explain your symptoms and ask for medicine.
  • Taxi driver: It's 17 euros. (You want to give him 20 euros)
    Here's a twenty-euro note. You can keep the change.
  • You are at the bus station and want to go to the center. Ask for the bus number, buy a ticket and ask for the correct stop.
  • You are in a clothe's shop. You need to buy school clothes for your son. ask for the children's wear, ask for specific clothes, their size and price. Buy some by card.
  • You are at the doctor's surgery. Interact with the doctor, explain the problem and ask for advice.
  • Call a taxi. Enter. Ask the driver to take you to your destination and pay.
  • You're at the restaurant but the food is served late and cold. Complain and ask for an alternative.
  • You are at the greengrocer's. You want to buy fruit and vegetables. Order bananas, tomatoes, potatoes and lemons.
  • You don't feel well. You have got many symptoms and call for a doctor's appointment.
  • Taxi driver: Well, here we are. (ask about the cost of the ride)
    How much is it?
  • Call a restaurant to make a reservation. Go to the restaurant, order and pay.
  • Taxi driver: Do you want me to put your luggage in the back? (respond)
    Yes, please / No, thank you
  • Taxi driver: It's 17 euros. (you want to pay by credit card)
    Can I pay/ Is it okay if I pay by card?
  • You are at the supermarket and you can't find the dairy products. Ask.