
Digestive system

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  • What is the volume capacity of the stomach?
    2-3 liters
  • What is the stomach shaped like?
  • What acid does the stomach have?
    Gastric acid
  • Which organ takes the most digestion?
    Small Intestine
  • Which digestive organs are NOT 'Digestive Tract'
    Liver, Gall bladder (and pancreas)
  • What is the purpose of the digestive system?
    Breakdown food for absorb to the blood
  • What is the other name of Large Intestine
  • Which organ absorbs nutrients first?
    Small Intestine
  • Which organ is the first to digest proteins?
  • How long is Small Intestine
    6-8 meters
  • Which organ reabsorbs water?
    Large Intestine
  • Which is the BEGINING and ENDING organ of digestive system?
    Mouth and Anus
  • Food that cannot be digested goes to .........................
    Large Intestine
  • We have 2 type of breakdown process which are ...............
    Mechanical and Chemical breakdown
  • What organ make bile
  • What type of food that Small Intestine can digest
    Carbohydrates, proteins and fats