
Media and politics

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  • When were digitized recordings developed?
    In the 1980s
  • What are the various mass media as a whole group, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet?
  • What was created in the late 1960s and that change the world?
    The internet
  • What Is the Role of the Media in Politics?
    helping elected officials and constituents communicate with each other, candidates to relay their message to voters.
  • What is Bias?
    preference toward a particular belief or attitude
  • When President Clinton's speech was broadcast on the World Wide Web?
  • What is Scrutinize?
    to examine something very closely
  • What is Monopoly?
    market structure where a single business dominates a product or service
  • When was television developed?
    in the 1930s
  • Who developed movable type, making it possible to publish large volumes of newspapers and books?
    Johan Gutenberg
  • Usually refers to the news organizations and agencies that control images and audio delivered publicly through the various technologies
    mass media
  • When does an Omission happens?
    It happens when a political statement or advertisement omits key information related to the content of the message.
  • when top White House officials engaged the public in a series of live chats?