
Are Chimpanzees Smart?

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  • Humans share many similar _____ with chimpanzees, such as expressive faces, big toes, thumbs and hands that can grasp.
    body languages
  • Chimpanzees are a part of _____ family.
  • Hominidae family is also known as ________.
    Great Apes
  • What kinds of things can they do?
    They can learn words, play with objects and toys, and mourn the deaths of their loved ones.
  • Chimpanzees are not claver at all.
    It's true.
    It's false.
  • Why do chimpanzees groom each other's hair?
    To remove dirt, dead skin, and annoying parasites.
  • Where do chimpanzees live?
    They live the tropical forests and woodland Savannahs of West and Central Africa.
  • Chimpanzees are the most intelligent of our planet's_____.
    wild animals
  • The communities are made up of somewhere around _____ members.
    15 to 80
  • The _____ of chimps and humans is 98.5% the same.
  • Can they make tools?
    No, they can't.
    Yes, they can.
  • There are four types of Great Apes. They're ____, ____, ____ and _____.
    The orang-utans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans.
  • Chimpanzees are experts at _____.
  • Chimpanzees live in _____.
    their nests
  • As well as using tools, some chimpanzees have even been able to learn basic human sign language. Washoe, a captive female chimpanzee, was able to learn American Sign Language (ASL), with a vocabulary of 350 words.
    It's false.
    It's true.
  • Chimpanzees are one of four types of “great ape.” The great apes are: chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans.
    It's true.
    It's false.
  • What do chimpanzees eat?
    They are omnivorous, but eat fruit more than anything else.
  • What sounds do chimpanzees make?
    pow, baaam, and bang
    hoots, grunts, and screams
    click, tap, and ding-dong
    moo, hoots, and baa
  • What do they use the tools for?
    Tools can help them to acquire food, get things done like cracking nuts with rocks, pulling out insects from nests and logs using sticks, and holding up leaves.
  • Wild chimpanzees only live in Africa.
    It's false.
    It's true.
  • We also show similar behaviors, and like us chimps laugh when playing, hug to show affection and can walk _____.
    on 2 arms and 2 legs
    up side down
  • Who leads the communities?
    A bossy alpha male
  • They have developed impressive ways of communicating with each other by using different _____, _____ and _____.
    facial expressions
    all of the above
    numberous vocalizations
  • a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals, including humans, monkeys, and apes
    Citizen (n.)
    Primate (n.)
    Villager (n.)