
One Day - Chapter 8

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  • How much money did he chip in for the intern's birthday present?
    We don't know how much he chipped in.
    He didn't chip in.
    He chipped in ten dollars.
    He chipped in five dollars.
  • Why did the intern want to talk to him?
    She was confused about a procedure and wanted his help.
  • He said he taught the intern techniques that could come in handy. What does this mean?
    It means he taught her things that could be useful.
  • He said he was afraid his manager would lose it. What does this mean?
    It means that he was afraid she would get really angry at him (lose her temper).
  • True or false? His manager yelled at him for not finishing his work.
    False. She just gave him a warning.
  • I guided her _____ the procedure she was having trouble _____.
    I guided her through the procedure she was having trouble with.
  • What did the new employee say he planned on doing?
    He said he planned on complaining to the CEO.
    He said he planned on working harder.
    He said he planned on looking for another job.
    He said he planned on meeting with their manager.
  • He said his work was piling up. What does this mean?
    It means he had many things to do.
  • What happened at around 6:30?
    The company's network went down.
    He went outside to go for a walk.
    He missed his bus.
    Some packages were delivered.
  • True or false? He doesn't think the company will offer the intern a position.
    False. He said he thinks they're going to try to hold on to her.
  • Who did he bump into when he went outside?
    He bumped into the new employee.
  • What was the new employee talking to him about outside?
    He was talking to him about his poor job performance.
  • How did the intern react when they brought out the cake?
    She blushed and appeared genuinely touched.
  • What did he remind himself to do?
    He reminded himself to go shopping after work.
    He reminded himself to email his manager.
    He reminded himself to schedule an appointment.
    He reminded himself to call his parents.
  • I hurried inside and _____ back _____ work.
    I hurried inside and got back to work.
  • What did he say about the intern's skills?
    He said her skills impressed him, that she picked things up quickly.
  • How did he overcome his anxiety?
    He went outside and took a walk.
  • Some packages had _____ delivered and received earlier _____ the day.
    Some packages had been delivered and received earlier in the day.
  • True or false? He thinks he is the only employee that his manager doesn't value.
    False. He thinks that she doesn't value any of them.
  • The network went _____, but they got it back _____ again.
    The network went down, but they got it back up again.
  • What did he buy from the vending machine?
    He bought a candy bar.
  • He said he was seriously pressed for time. What does this mean?
    It means that he had very little time left.
  • What did his colleague notice about the packages that were delivered?
    He noticed that one of them was damaged.
    He noticed that one of them hadn't been signed for.
    He noticed that one of them hadn't been ordered.
    He noticed that one of them was missing.
  • He said they threw an office party for the intern. What does this mean?
    It means they had a party for her.
  • What did the person from IT recommend doing?
    She recommended getting a new router.
    She recommended installing new software.
    She recommended backing up his hard drive.
    She recommended getting a new computer.
  • True or false? His manager collected money to buy a present for the intern.
  • How did the new employee feel about his job performance?
    He felt ashamed of it.
  • Why did someone from the IT department meet with him?
    She needed to install and test some new software.
    She needed to fix his hard drive.
    She needed to change how he connected to the internet.
    She needed to back up his hard drive.