
Basic Countries and Nationalities

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  • Where are they?
    They're in Paris / France.
  • Which country is that?
    It's China.
  • Which country is that?
    It's the UK 
  • Where are they from?
    They're from South Korea.
  • Where's Cristiano Ronaldo from?
    He's from Portugal.
  • Where's Lionel Messi from?
    He's from Argentina.
  • Which country is that?
    It's Australia.
  • Where are Upin and Ipin from?
    They're from Malaysia.
  • Where are they from?
    They're from Vietnam.
  • Where's Doraemon from?
    He's from Japan.
  • Where's Captian America from?
    He's from the USA / the US / America.