
Language review

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  • Small ><
  • What animal is this?
    It's an eagle.
  • What number is it?
    It's 17
  • What animal is it?
    It's a giraffe.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a whale.
  • He's.......
  • What number is it?
    It's 16.
  • What number is it?
    It's 100.
  • What is it?
    It's an island.
  • What's the time?
    It's 7 o'clock.
  • What's the time?
    It's half past nine.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a zebra.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a jellyfish.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a hippo.
  • What's the time?
    It's half past six.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a shark.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a dolphin.
  • What's the time?
    It's 11 o'clock.
  • What number is it?
    It's 70.
  • What is it?
    it's a watch