
PP1 My Day revision

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  • What time do you wake up?
    Your own answer.
  • What do you always do in the morning?
    Your own answer.
  • Unscramble: eat / I / at / lunch / school
    I eat lunch at school
  • Name 5 things you like to do after school.
    Your own answer.
  • What time do you do your homework?
    Your own answer.
  • What does the picture show?
    brushing teeth / brush teeth / brushing your teeth
  • What time do you go to bed?
    Your own answer.
  • How many friends have you got? Why are they your friends?
    Your own answer.
  • Unscramble: TV / watch / I / school / after
    I watch TV after school
  • What do you do at 2 o'clock in the afternoon?
    Your own answer.
  • What do you do at 7 o'clock in the evening?
    Your own answer.
  • What does the picture show?
    have a shower / having a shower
  • Do you like going to school? Why? Why not?
    Your own answer.
  • What does the picture show?
    comb hair / combing hair / combing your hair
  • What are your favourite school subjects?
    Your own answer.
  • Name 3 things you don't like doing.
    Your own answer.