
Past Simple Questions

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  • He talked to the teacher.
    Who did he talk to?
  • She ate an apple.
    What did she eat?
  • They scored 5 goals.
    How many goals did they score?
  • The king lived in the castle.
    Where did the king live?
  • They invited John to their wedding.
    Who did they invite to their wedding?
  • They went to Paris in 2012.
    When did they go to Paris?
  • She travelled by bus.
    How did she travel?
  • He drove very fast.
    How did he drive?
  • Sara had an accident in winter.
    When did Sara have an accident?
  • They played in the garden.
    Where did they play?
  • She cried because she wanted ice-cream.
    Why did she cry?
  • She paid $200.
    How much did she pay?