
Bears of the world

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  • What do Black Bears eat? What is the color of their fur?
    They eat berries, fruits and insects. Their fur is black.
  • Where do brown bears live? Where do they sleep?
    They live in North America and Europe. They sleep in caves.
  • What do Sun Bears eat? Where do they live?
    They eat lizards, birds and fruits. They live in South East Asia.
  • I live in America. My fur is black with a white mark. I eat birds and sleep in trees.
    Spectacled Bear
  • What color is the Giant Pandas fur? Where do they live?
    Their fur is black and white. They live in China.
  • I live in Asia. My fur is black with a white mark. I eat insects and berries, and sleep in trees.
    Asiatic Bear
  • I live in Asia. My fur is black with white marks. I eat eggs, and sleep in caves.
    Sloth Bear
  • Where do Spectacled Bears sleep? What is the color of their fur?
    They sleep trees. Their fur is black with white glasses.
  • I live in China. My fur is black and white. I eat plants and bamboo, and sleep in trees.
    Giant Panda
  • I live in Asia. My fur is black with white marks. I eat fruits and lizards, and sleep in trees.
    Sun Bear
  • Where do Sloth Bears live? What do they eat?
    They live in South Asia. They eat insects and eggs.
  • Where do Asiatic Bears sleep? What do they eat?
    They sleep in trees. They eat plants, berries and insects.
  • I live in a very cold place. My fur is white. I eat meat, and sleep in dens.
    Polar Bear
  • What do Polar Bears eat? Where do they sleep?
    They eat meat. They sleep in dens.
  • I live in America ad Europe. My fur is brown. I eat meat and berries, and sleep in caves.
    Brown Bear
  • I live in America. My fur is black. I eat fruits and insects, and sleep in caves.
    Black Bear