
Can you...? A Group Challenge

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  • Can you count by tens until 100? (in English)
    Let's see
  • Can you say "Hello" in three different languages? 
    Let's see
  • Can you spell "eucalyptus" in English?
    Let's see
  • Can you name 10 different colors in English?
    Let's see
  • Can you tell us the date today?
    Today is the 20th of July
  • Can you name 10 animals in English?
    Let's see
  • Can you name five famous singers? Not Romanian/Moldavian
    Let's see
  • Can you name 3 countries that begin with the letter "A"?
    Austria, Australia, Argentina, Afghanistan, Andorra
  • Can you name 5 objects starting with the letter "C"?
    Let's see
  • Can you name 5 countries and 5 nationalities?
    Let's see
  • Can you solve the riddle: Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?
    grandfather, father, son