
Sun Safety

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  • Can you still get sunburnt on a cloudy day?
    Yes. You can still burn on a cloudy day.
  • Can we sit in the sun at lunch time?
    No. It is the hottest time of day.
  • Name one way we can protect ourselves from the sun.
    sunscreen, wear a hat, cover your body, sit in the shade.
  • Even if the sun doesn’t feel hot you can still get sunburnt. (True or false?)
    You can still burn on a cool day in summer.
  • Where can we find shade?
    under trees, canopies, umbrellas, or indoors.
  • At what times should we be in the shade?
    11:00am to 3:00pm
  • Sun safety is not important. True or false?
    False. The sun can damage our skin really badly.
  • Is it okay for children to stay in the sun? why?
    No. Because their skin gets damaged quickly.
  • All sunlight is bad for you. True or False?
    False. Sunlight has important vitamins.
  • It's okay if our skin gets red in the sun. True or false?