
P1_Unit 8 Revision 1

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  • At what shop can we buy this item?
  • Complete the sentence. The boy is playing a _________ __________.
    hula hoop
  • I have two silver tongues, I can beat paper but I am beaten by rock. What am I?
    I am a pair of scissors.
  • Here is my shopping list. May you get these items for me at a __________________? A. super market B. Super market C. Supermarket D. supermarket
    D. supermarket
  • Your English teacher has got a new hairstyle? Where did she go?
    a hair salon
  • A man wears a tie on top of his _______________. A. tee shirt B. shirt C. cardigan D. jacket
    B. shirt
  • Oh! My pencil broke! I need a _________ ________.
    sharpener/ pencil sharpener
  • At what shop can we buy this item?
  • a jacket or a coat?
    a jacket
  • My mother likes to have her birthday meal at a fancy ____________________. A. resteraut B. restaruant C. restaurant D. Restaurant
    C. restaurant
  • A coat or a jacket?
    a coat
  • Which of the following words is correct? A. coulored pencils B. coulor pencils C. coloured pencils
    C. coloured pencils
  • Is this a skirt or a dress?
    This is a skirt.
  • The weather is really cold today. I want to wear something to keep my hands and fingers warm. What should I wear?
    a pair of gloves/ gloves
  • This is a tube of __________ ___________.
    glue stick
  • Which of the following words is correct? A. stapler B. steplar C. stabler
    A. stapler