
Water quiz

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  • What percentage of the water in the world is fresh water? 3% 5% 7% 10%
    Only 3%
  • What is the name for a large body of salt water smaller than an ocean?
    A sea
  • How many litres of water does the average shower use? 15, 25, 35, or 45 litres?
    35 litres
  • Why does the river flow faster in the upper course of a river than in the lower course?
    Because the slopes of the mountain are steeper at the top.
  • On average, how many litres does a toilet flush use? 4, 6, 8, or 10 litres
    8 litres
  • What is the name for a large inland body of water?
    A lake
  • In which stage of a river does water flow the slowest?
    The lower course
  • What is the place where a river begins called?
    The source
  • What is the ground under the water of the river called?
    The riverbed
  • If a river flows into another river, what is it called?
    A tributary
  • Which is the shallowest ocean?
    The Arctic ocean
  • In which stage of a river does it form curved areas called 'meanders': the upper, middle or lower course?
    The middle course
  • What is the place where a river meets an ocean, sea or lake called?
    The mouth
  • How many litres of water does the average washing machine cycle use? 50, 60, 65, or 75 litres?
    65 litres
  • What is the amount of water in a river called?
    The flow
  • What's the longest river in the world?
    The Nile
  • In which stage of a river does water flow the fastest?
    The upper course
  • What is the name for a moving stream of fresh water, usually formed in the mountains?
    A river
  • Which sea does the Nile flow towards?
    The Mediterranean Sea
  • What percentage of the Earths surface is made up of water? 60% 70% 80%
  • What are the curved areas formed in the middle course of a river?
  • True or false? All seas are completely surrounded by land.
    False, some seas are only partly surrounded.
  • Which bodies of water border Spain?
    Cantabrian sea, Mediterranean sea, Atlantic Ocean, Gibraltar Strait.
  • What is the word for the largest body of salt water?
    An ocean
  • Can you name 3 of the world's 5 oceans?
    Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern (Antarctic)
  • Which is the deepest ocean?
    The Pacific ocean