
Key Words Casino

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  • 19 I found it hard to tell her I didn't love her. DIFFICULTY I ................ I didn't love her.
    19 had difficulty telling her
  • 14 'Can I help you, sir?' the shop assistant asked the customer. HE The shop assistant asked the customer ................ him.
    14 if he could help
  • 10 I haven't been jogging for two weeks. JOGGING The last ................ was two weeks ago.
    10 time I went jogging
  • 1 John only changed jobs because his friend suggested it. JOHN If his friend hadn't suggested it, ................. jobs.
    1 John wouldn't have changed
  • 17 You can stay with me if you're ever in London. PUT I will ................ if you're ever in London.
    17 put you up
  • 5 Joanne is nothing like her mother. TAKE Joanne ................. her mother in any way.
    5 doesn't take after
  • 15 I've never seen a film as exciting as this one before. FILM This is the ................ ever seen.
    15 most exciting film I've
  • 3 Sarah's home is still in Oxford, isn't it? IN Sarah still ................. she?
    3 lives in Oxford, doesn't
  • 13 I wish Mary still called me occasionally. MISS I ................ from Mary.
    13 miss hearing
  • 16 Joan may forget her umbrella, so I'll take mine. IN I'll take my umbrella ................ hers.
    16 in case Joan forgets
  • 8 The students in my class all have a lot of respect for their teachers. LOOK The students in my class all ................. their teachers.
    8 look up to
  • 2 They are letting Brian out of prison next week. RELEASE Brian ................. prison next week.
    2 is being released from
  • 11 'I wouldn't go to the city centre at night, Jim; I said. ADVISED I ................ to the city centre at night.
    11 advised Jim not to go
  • 18 They say that the Caribbean is the ideal place to take a holiday. SUPPOSED The Caribbean ................ the ideal place to take a holiday.
    18 is supposed to be
  • 4 You can borrow my dictionary if you've forgotten yours. MIND I ................. you my dictionary if you've forgotten yours.
    4 don't mind lending
  • 7 I'd rather not go out for dinner tonight. FEEL I ................. out for dinner tonight.
    7 don't feel like going
  • 6 I regret going to the party last night. I I wish ................. to the party last night.
    6 I hadn't gone
  • 9 Although the weather changed for the worse, the football match wasn't cancelled. SPITE The football match wasn't cancelled ................ in the weather.
    9 in spite of a / the change
  • 20 'You really must come on time to your lessons; he said to us. INSISTED He ................ to our lessons.
    20 insisted we come/came on time
  • 12 The local council were examining the effects of air pollution on people's health. EXAMINED The effects of air pollution on people's health ................ the local council.
    12 were being examined by