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  • What is the most popular breakfast in Colombia? 1-El emparedado 2-Bocadillo 3-Changua
    The most popular choice for breakfast in Colombia is Changua. It’s simply a milk soup with an undercooked egg (Yes, it’s milk soup; you read it right.)
  • What is the official language in Colombia?
    It is Spanish.
  • Condors are very large birds from Colombia. They are very special birds, why? 1-They fly higher than all the other birds. 2-They only eat plants 3-They are more beautiful than all the other birds.
    They are special because they fly higher than all the other birds.
  • Which is the most traditional music style in Colombia? 1-Bambuco 2-Cumbia 3-Currulao
    It is Cumbia.
  • Who is the Colombian Nobel Prize winner? 1-Gabriel Garcia Marquéz 2-Nina Garcia 3-Sebastian Villalobos
    Gabriel Garcia Marquéz is the Literature Nobel Prize winner.
  • Which continent is Colombia located in?
    It is in South América.
  • Shakira is Colombian. What City is she from? 1-Bogota 2-Barranquilla 3-Cartagena das Indias
    She is from Barranquilla.
  • What colors does Colombian flag have?
    It has yellow, blue and red.
  • Who was Colombia named after? 1-Christopher Columbus 2-Christopher Cabral 3-Juan Pablo Montoya
    Colombia was named after the legendary Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer – Christopher Columbus.
  • How often is the Colombia National Anthem required by law to be played on TV? 1- Everyday 2-Once a Week 3-Only before soccer matches.
    The law requires the Colombia National Anthem to play on TV and the radio each day at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Which is the capital city of Colombia?
    It is Bogotá.
  • Which insect is eaten by some Colombian people?
  • Which is the the highest point in Colombia? 1- Pico Bordoncillo 2-Pico Cristóbal Colón 3-Pico Azufral
    The highest point in Colombia is the Pico Cristóbal Colón of the Andes, which stands at 18,700 feet tall.
  • How many countries does Colombia share borders with? 1-5 2-3 3-None
    5 - It shares borders with Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.
  • How many percent of the Amazon forest is in Colombia? 1-50% 2-30% 3-10%
  • Which Colombian soccer player was the 2014 World Cup top scorer? 1- Jackson Martínez 2-James Rodríguez 3-Pablo Armer.
    James Rodríguez was the top scorer in the 2014 World Cup.
  • Which currency does Colombia use? 1-Colombian dollar 2-Colombian Peso 3-Colombian Dinero
    The currency Colombia uses is the Colombian Peso.