
Extreme weather true false quiz

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  • Cats have been known to sense when a tornado is approaching.
    Not only cats but also dogs.They can also sense the atmosphere's heat, compression, and temperature change - all of which tell a dog that there is something bad
  • A heatwave can make train tracks bend!
    When temperatures rise, steel tracks will expand, meaning they get longer.
  • In July 2001 the rainfall in Kerala, India, was blue!
    Actually, blood red! Red coloured rain occurred in many places of Kerala in India during July to September 2001 due to the mixing of huge quantity of microscopi
  • Dirt mixed with wind can make dust storms called grey blizzards.
    Black blizzards
  • Hurricanes can push more than 6m of water ashore.
    In 1992, Hurricane Andrew was responsible for about 900 Burmese pythons escaping capture in Florida.
  • You can tell the temperature by counting a cricket’s chirps!
    It's surprisingly simple: To convert cricket chirps to degrees Fahrenheit: Just count the number of chirps in 14 seconds, then add 40 to get the temperature.
  • Sandstorms can swallow up entire countries.
    In the videos, a wall of sand as high as 300 feet can be seen swallowing whole several parts of the city of Dunhuang in China's northwestern Gansu province.
  • About 200 thunderstorms rain down on Earth every minute.
    About 2,000 thunderstorms
  • Lightning often follows a volcanic eruption.
    Lightning often follows a volcanic eruption due to the friction between particles of the dense ash clouds that are formed as a result of the eruption.
  • A 2003 heatwave turned grapes to raisins before they were picked from the vine!
    a heatwave travelled across Europe that turns grapes into raisins before they were picked from the vine. That heatwave reached a temperature about 37°C
  • Worms wriggle up from underground when a flood is coming.
    Most claim that worm trails and air pockets underground become submerged, and the earthworms can't breathe.