
Corporate Social Responsibility Issues

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  • Name three of the five global problems discussed in our textbook:
    Climate Change, Ozone Depletion, Resource Scarcity, Decline of Biodiversity, & Threats to Marine Ecosystems
  • In 2010 a wellhead blowout at a deep-water drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico by this company caused the biggest oil spill disaster in history.
    British Petroleum
  • The two main forces that are thought to accelerate the ecological crisis are: ________ and _________.
    The Population Explosion & Economic Development
  • Business and Society operate within the _________ of the planet and it’s limited__________.
    Constraints & Resources
  • Curitiba, a city in Brazil is nicknamed the “_______________________” (5 words) because it is one of the most green and sustainable cities in the world.
    “The greenest city on earth”
  • What are the three main areas of environmental regulation?
    Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Solid & Hazardous Waste
  • In 2017 _____________ pleaded guilty to charges of violating the Clean Air Act and agreed to pay $4.4 Billion in fines.
  • Taylor Guitars wanted to ensure there were adequate supplies of ebony hardwood that grows in tropical rain forests, so quit the wasteful practice of cutting down 10 ebony trees to find _____ with solid black wood, and instead began using al
  • McDonald’s announced that by 2025 _____ percent of customer packaging at all locations across the globe would come from renewable or recycled sources.