
Addition and Subtraction P2 WK5 Third Class

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  • Vayupak has 452 postcards. Nara has 97 more postcards that Vayupak. How many postcards does Nara have? Write out equation and answer.
    452 + 97 = 549
  • Please subtract each equation. 89 - 36 = , 358 - 40 = , 879 - 259 = , Please write equation with your answers in your notebook.
    53, 318, 620, need to have written the equation also
  • Ms. Dolly makes 486 cupcakes. She sells 314 cupcakes. How many cupcakes does she have left? Write equation and answer in your notebook.
    486 - 314 = 172, she as 172 cupcakes left.
  • Please add all these equations. 67 + 125 = , 159 + 70 = , 38 + 245 = , Please write the equation and the answer in your notebook.
    192, 229, 283, need to have written the equation also