
Quiz P2 WK5 Second Class

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  • Please add 190 + 20 =
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • Check this answer. 178 + 14 = 192. Is this answer correct yes or no, if no write the correct answer.
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • There are 76 people at a movie. 51 are adults. How many are children? Write out equation and answer on your paper.
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook.
  • At Vayupak Nara there are 109 girls and 72 boys. How many more girls than boys are there?
    109 - 72 = 37 more girls than boys
  • Please subtract 486 - 314 =
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • Check this answer. 339 - 305 = 34. Is this answer correct yes or no, if no write the correct answer.
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • Check this answer. 252 + 18 = 260. Is this answer correct yes or no, if no write the correct answer.
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • Please add 246 + 38=
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • Check this answer. 909 - 403 = 505. Is this answer correct yes or no, if no write the correct answer.
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook
  • Please subtract 118 - 29 =
    Please write the equation and  your answer in your Maths Notebook