

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • I'm absolutely sure this ring costs a lot of money.
    This ring MUST COST a lot of money.
  • Maybe they are just married.
    They MAY BE just married.
  • I'm 80% percent sure this is a good romantic comedy.
    This COULD BE a good romantic comedy.
  • There's a little chance the Math exam is easy.
    The Math exam MIGHT BE easy.
  • I'm 80% sure it is a good idea to stay home today.
    It COULD BE a good idea to stay home today.
  • Maybe we have some icecream at home.
    We MAY HAVE some icecream at home.
  • There's little chance that we find our cat today.
    We MIGHT FIND our cat today.
  • I'm defenitely sure this is NOT a real alien.
    This CAN'T BE a real alien.
  • I'm sure he is NOT Michael Jackson. He died years ago!
    He CAN'T BE Michael Jackson. He died years ago!
  • I'm 100% sure the weather is hot there.
    The weather MUST BE hot there